Idiomy przygotowała Katarzyna Goliszek z
Your guess is as good as mine = I don’t know, I do not know the answer, I have no idea, I don’t know any more than the other person = Wiem tyle samo, co ty.
1a. A: What is Barbara doing? = Co robi Barbara?
B: Your guess is as good as mine. = Wiem tyle samo, co ty.
1b. A: When does the next train arrive? = Kiedy przyjeżdża następny pociąg?
B: Your guess is as good as mine. = Wiem tyle samo, co ty.
1c. A: Which team, do you think, will win the match? = Jak myślisz, która drużyna wygra mecz?
B: Your guess is as good as mine. = Wiem tyle samo, co ty.
1d. When it comes to choosing the chairman, your guess is as good as mine. = Jeśli chodzi o wybór przewodniczącego, twoje przypuszczenia są równie dobre jak moje. Wiem tyle samo, co ty.
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